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Imagine that!

Assume you are God or The Creator. How would you create?

I look at a tomato and I think by myself, why and how would you look like that?

It's a pretty specific design when you look at it for a minute. There is nothing else like it.

You look at the mirror, and you may think the same. How? Why?

That can't be an accident. It's so unique, specific and detailed. It has always been unbelievable to me that this would be a random process without conscious intentional intelligence in the background making it all happen. Just look at the little monkey's eyes. It's mind blowing.

With a lack of direct understanding of The Creator or God, let's bring it closer home. You.

When you make a meal, a cup of coffee, a sales proposal, a painting - anything: how do you create it?

Obviously the idea of creating something like a tomato had to come into existence in the first place. There had to be some intent. Something like: let's create something that you can eat.

I tend to think there has to be imagination involved as well. That an intent is always first, then some kind of 'picture' or 'form', and the actions follow. An interactive dynamic process unfolds. You interact with the food, the coffee, the proposal, the painting. While checking in between your 'blue print' imagined idea and the result in progress, you form and mold it into what it becomes. Sometimes the outcome isn't the best. The coffee doesn't taste that great. You try and learn, and eventually the coffee gets more as you like it.

Some-one imagined the tomato, the monkey and you - I don't see how we can get around that.

Now, if the tomato was first imagined, then your life might be an imagination to. Is your life what you imagined it to be? If not, would that be any different from the coffee you brewed not yet being how you want it? That you need to continue to practice making the life you want?

I suspect that for a part of your life you can accept this to be true. If you want to play a sport, play an instrument, become a hypnotherapist, etc - there is learning and practice involved. And generally we have a believe that if we simply practice it, we will master it. Sure, in some areas we may already have more talent than in others, and perhaps that makes our decision on what we focus on easier. Yet, even with talent, practice makes perfect.

Why would we not accept this 'believe' in other areas of our lives. Let's say your relationship is not how you imagined it to be. Wouldn't that simply mean you need to practice more? Change sports? Find the right practice partner?

Not all tomato's come out the same way either.

And what's not to love about the drawing by kids. We would not expect a Mona Lisa to come out of that at first attempt either.

So, when you want to create something different in your life, make something new or better (intent), it seems imagining it would be a good place to start. Next, you would want to believe that if you try, practice and learn, you will get somewhere.

There is a direct relationship between believe and risk (fear). If you don't believe you are able to learn how to play tennis - the risk seems high and you may not want to start. Many people have lots of imagination, but they may not believe they can. They are afraid to jump in.

Why would you still push through fear if you have any? Love. There would have to be a strong motivation in you. You'd really need to really want it. Not every great tennis player had talent. Some just wanted it so badly, they moved heaven and earth to master it. That may not be worth it to you and that's the balans of your preferences in life. How much it is worth to you depends on how much you love it. So the strength of your intent, how much you love it, and the strength of your believe, how strongly you know you can master it, seem to be important creation requirements.

This is a Dahlia. Is there any doubt in you that there is loving intention, imagination and believe behind this incredible creation?

And then there is experience and learning. These two go hand in hand. You love your intent, imagine the form, believe you can do it and off you go. From your experiences you learn, and on your learning you build your experiences to an increasingly advanced level of imagination.

I believe with that you have a simple template of creation.

  1. Passionate intent

  2. Imagination

  3. Believe (that you can)

  4. Action: Experience and learn (do the best you can)

Bashar (a channel) adds to this to not have an expectation of the outcome. I believe this is good advice. It seems to align with the Buddist approach that the road is more important than the destination.

The importance of this idea may also connect with the importance of 'feeling' and emotion in your creation process. Passionate intent is both a mental and emotional construct. Excitement and love are described at the magnetic attractive component, and the mental intent (thought) as the radiating part. Combined that creates an electromagnetic field. Your imagination shapes the field like an energetic blue print. The believe charges the field. The action brings it into reality and turns it into physical matter (objects, interactions, etc).

Doubt uncharges the field, since the your attention and energy is now divided. Theo (another channel) calls it The wobble. You decide it is so. There is no doubt. You move to make it happen without looking back.

What strikes me often is that processes like these are simple, clear and elegant. It's not even unknown. You create all day long - so it's not like you are inexperienced. You create conflict, joy, depression, success, peace, art, products, meals - and so forth. Many of these 'creations' require nothing more than a decision. Take for instance joy. Joy is a state of being that you can invoke at any time. It doesn't need to be conditional on anything. Or take the creation of a peanut butter toast - you decide and go do it, there isn't anything in you that would doubt your ability to make a peanut butter toast.

There seems to be more about the desire, believe and discipline, especially when it gets more challenging. When you have started to belief that certain things you want are too challenging, too risky, not for you - that you are not capable, not smart, not talented - that you should do what others want you to do instead - this is when the wobble comes in.

I think we really need to keep dreaming, face the wobble and respect the path of experience and learning.

The proof of beautiful creation and the path towards it, is everywhere around us already.


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