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The Makeability of your life.

How makeable is your life? Do you ever ponder that question?

You get up in the morning, take a shower, have breakfast and off you go. How do you experience it? And who makes it like that? Can you make it all the way you want? Do you know what you want?

The question of makeability is central to every important issue: our country, healthcare, the economy, your municipality, your family, your life. From illness to depression to burnout. Work, money and relationships. War, peace and progress. Is it what you want it to be?

You were born as Pietje, Truusje - man, woman or something in between. So yeah, that's a given. What can you make of it? Is addiction, loneliness or happiness also a given? What role do you play in creating that experience?

The policy in our country is made by someone. For others, that policy is a given. The rules for healthcare, the economy, etc - have been made by someone at some point and for someone else it is a given. Someone decides to go to war, others decide to join and for everyone else it is a given. They are choices. Whether in one's perception they are free, necessary or forced choices - choices they are. Those choices shape the possibilities and experiences we then have as a result of the choices made. Why that choice and what is it forbased?

What about if you experience depression or burnout? Did you make a choice with that experience as a result? What choice was that?

This is about the limits or boundlessness of your role in making your life and the life we ​​make together. We do not learn how this process of making life or experience works in primary school. We gradually learn by trial and error. It's an experiment. The more aware you are of yourself and how it works, the more control you get.

If your life is a movie, what is your movie about? Who plays which role? Who directs? Who operates the camera? What are the scenes? Do you like your movie?

Of course, many books have been written on how to live life. It's about that thoughyou the answer is for thatyour where is. Because it's only when you've experienced something that you know it's true for you. After all, you have experienced and observed it yourself.

You have experiences all day long. You can't stop it. It is a continuous playing movie with no pause button. You may be able to consciously determine the experience and its direction. For example: what you had for breakfast this morning may be a choice you made yourself, consciously or unconsciously out of habit. How tasty or not tasty, quiet or restless that breakfast was, could also be your interpretation. How far can you go in this?

If you experience illness, depression, greed, burnout or conflict - to what extent are you making it yourself? Or if you experience success, love and happiness - is it by chance, God, your parents or you? What do those experiences tell you about yourself? Those are the questions that can help you take more control of your life - and through that insight and awareness you can focus more on the experiences you have.want, instead of getting stuck in experiences you didn't want at all. Asking yourself questions, learning from and through your own experiences, increases your insight into how your life comes about. A question you could start with is: what do I want to experience in my life?

I want: what then?

The question of what you want in life is not an easy question for everyone. Do you want something because you have come to believe that you want it, because your environment wanted it from you, based on their own experience and worldview? Or do you want it because you really want it, because it's your passion? Your feeling can help with that. What makes you happy and what gives you energy? Do you remember? If that is difficult, you can explore what your experiences so far can tell you about it. What experiences do you remember that made you happy, felt good or gave you peace. Remember moments in your life that felt positive. They may tell you something about what you do and do not want to experience in life. It could be that what you want most is to be yourself.

I am: how?

When it is clear to you what you want in life, how do you get there?Ben you want to experience what? Think, feel, say, believe and do what it takes to experience it? This question also concerns your own consciousness. Who knows but youwhat you want in your life and why wouldn't you also knowhow to realize that for yourself? You have already experienced a lot in your life, so somehow you have already made those experiences. This often happens automatically. You don't have to think about it at all. For example, by focusing your attention on what you want, instead of what you don't want. By not having any doubts about it. By saying yes to whatever comes your way. By making it more concrete and shaping it in your mind or on paper. By taking action. By following your intuition. Don't you know? Sit down for it. Close your eyes for a moment. Turn inward and relax. Or go for a workout, listen to music or grab a bite to eat. Empty yourself and make space. Usually the next step will come up if you listen carefully to yourself. What choice do you have to make?

I experience: is it right?

You are what you experience. You experience what you are. Often your experience is in interaction with your outside world. What happens next can influence what you want and are next. It's an interactive process. Being yourself, being who you want to be, doing what you want to do can evoke a reaction in your outside world. What happens in your outside world can also evoke a reaction in your inner world. And so your experiences are shaped and influenced. Does that start in your inner world or in your outer world? Is it your outer world that makes your experiences, or do you make them in your inner world? You can learn a lot about your life and about yourself from your own experiences. If your experience isn't what you want it to be, what does that tell you? The experience is learning itself. And by learning from it you can also experience further. For example, you can become aware of how your experiences feel - whether they feel good or not. You can live your experience consciously, or experience it unconsciously and automatically. This self-awareness is what can bring you insight into the role you play in the experiences you are having.

Struggle or Pleasure

That's how the question of manufacturability a role every day and all day. The experience of depression, burnout, fear and also of love, success and beauty: what makes them? And if it's not what you want, how do you make it different? The books, religions, governments, aid workers, and so on all have their own views on this. What is yours?


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